Equinet Activities

Equinet is committed to providing a safe environment for its employees, members, and external partners/guests, free from harassment on any ground. Equinet operates a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment taking place during its events, treats all incidents respectfully, confidentially and seriously, and promptly react to all allegations of harassment. Read our Safer Spaces Policy for Equinet events here.
October 18, 2018

Framing Equality: Communication Handbook for Equality Bodies

Why do stories matter? What is framing? And how can we create the right messages to talk to a given audience? ’Framing Equality: Communication Handbook for […]
August 29, 2018

Equinet Annual General Meeting 2018

The General Assembly of Equinet Members will meet for the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Brussels, Belgium on 7 November, and bring together heads and senior management representatives from all Equinet member and observer national equality bodies.
July 23, 2018

Development of the new Equinet Strategic Plan 2019-2022

This year marks the final year of Equinet’s current Strategic Plan that has guided the work of the Network since 2015. Therefore, in 2018 the Executive Board has embarked on the journey towards proposing and delivering a new Strategic Plan for our European Network for the period 2019-2022.
May 9, 2018
Participants of the study visit meet with Tamás Kádár, Equinet

Enhancing the effectiveness of the Albanian system of human rights protection and anti-discrimination

During their visit, they had the opportunity to meet with the: European Ombudsman Federal Ombudsman of Belgium European Commission, Directorate-General Justice Gender Equality Unit Ministry of […]
May 7, 2018

Strategic Litigation Handbook

Strategic litigation is used by some equality bodies, while others currently consider experimenting the use of this tool to take up cases that can result in important clarifications and adjustments of the applicable law and positive changes going beyond the particular case.
March 30, 2018

Faith in Equality: Religion and Belief in Europe

Background In the past six years, the legal area has further evolved, not the least through judicial decisions that often spark wider public attention and provoke […]
December 6, 2017
Speaker at Conference on Migration

Equinet publishes updated Factsheet and Compendium on inclusion of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Equinet's 2017 Factsheet and Compendium of Good Practices focuses on the work of equality bodies regarding the integration of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
November 13, 2017

Call to action: Bring Children together for Diversity

As segregation of Roma in education is worsening, equality and human rights organizations call for redoubled efforts at inclusive education. 13 November 2017 – Brussels, Strasbourg, […]
October 19, 2017

Equality Bodies contributing to the List of Actions to Advance LGBTI Equality

New Equinet Factsheet The European Commission List of Actions by the Commission to advance LGBTI equality is a welcome policy tool available at EU level and it is essential […]