Race and Ethnic Origin

Relevant EU Directive:

Directive 2000/43/EC.

EU and international legal documents use the notion of racial discrimination while explicitly rejecting the notion of separate human races. The prohibition of discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin can also cover discrimination based on colour, descent or national origin.


Examples can include the refusal of an employer to hire a Roma person or the refusal of entry to a club for a black person.

January 26, 2023
Funding opportunities for Equality Bodies

Funding & tender opportunities 2023

The European Commission has a number of funding and tender opportunities available for Equality Bodies, and we encourage you to apply based on your interests. Equality […]
December 20, 2022

Equality Bodies and the European Structural and Investment Funds Realising a Potential for Change

Equinet’s latest publication “Equality Bodies and the European Structural and Investment Funds Realising a Potential for Change” aims at supporting Equality Bodies in effectively engaging with European […]