Relevant EU Directives:
Directive 2004/113/EC and Directive 2006/54/EC.
The prohibition of discrimination based on gender includes direct and indirect discrimination in the field of employment and occupation, and in the access to and supply of goods and services. It also covers harassment and sexual harassment.
Example:Examples can include an employer paying a female employee less than her male colleague for performing the same job or the dismissal of a woman after she announces her pregnancy.

November 28, 2019
This Equinet Paper looks at the legal frameworks governing the issue of violence against women, and how equality bodies can contribute to and best engage with these frameworks. It gathers examples of good practice by equality bodies, focusing on: promotional activities, surveys, recommendations, trainings and cooperation. It also highlights cases from equality bodies dealing with gender-based harassment, violence and hate speech.
November 8, 2019
Equinet and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights organised a roundtable and conference on #AfterMeToo and the role and potential of equality bodies designing and implementing policies to eradicate sexual harassment.