Equinet’s latest publication Equality Planning: Purpose, Potential and Experience. Case Studies from the work of Equality Bodies draws from the experience and expertise of Equality Bodies in relation to equality planning as a way to mainstream equality.
The elimination of discrimination and exclusion is a cornerstone needed to build a fair society. As the world faces different crises (from pandemic to war), mainstreaming equality becomes a powerful tool to tackle discrimination and support the creation and maintenance of inclusive and fair systems and institutions.
The role of Equality Bodies in supporting equality planning efforts has been the focus of Equinet’s Equality Mainstreaming Cluster in 2022. In May 2022 the Cluster hosted a conference on Equality Bodies supporting equality planning, where equality planning experiences and good practices were presented. The conference also called the attention of legal and policymakers at EU and Member State level to the potential of equality planning for promoting and implementing equality and diversity. In their 2022 annual event, the European Commission Task Force on Equality will be looking into ‘Driving Equality in Times of Crisis’, bringing equality planning practices into the spotlight.
As a culmination of the Cluster’s work on equality planning this year, Equinet has just published “Equality Planning: Purpose, Potential and Experience. Case Studies from the work of Equality Bodies”. This publication showcases the practical work of Equality Bodies in supporting equality planning, aiming at informing the work of public authorities and private actors in implementing equality planning as well the work of European and national authorities in creating the legal and policy conditions for effective equality planning.