During the past years, equality bodies all over Europe have increased their efforts to protect the rights of transgender persons, and are lately intensifying also the protection of the rights of intersex persons. Certain situations of discrimination are similar for both groups, but each of them also experiences specific problems that need a particular approach. The progress made by equality bodies on each of these topics varies depending on the national contexts and on the available legal protection in EU and national legislation. Even if there is still room for improvement, advances have been made regarding the rights of transgender persons. This brief highlights several of the actions taken in this regard. The protection of intersex persons is still a developing area in most countries. Therefore, not many examples of actions are available yet. It is however clear that equality bodies are engaged to keep working to improve the protection against discrimination of both transgender and intersex persons in Europe.
This Discussion Paper, prepared by the Equinet Working Group on Gender Equality, aims to provide information on existing legal protection against discrimination as well as working definitions used by equality bodies. Furthermore, it provides an overview of areas in which trans and intersex persons experience discrimination from the perspective of equality bodies. It provides an insight on challenges faced as well as activities carried out by equality bodies to support trans and intersex persons in the context of discrimination.
It concludes with recommendations to equality bodies to:
To assist the building of bridges between equality bodies and trans and intersex activists, Equinet is organising an online seminar for equality bodies and civil society organisations representing trans and intersex people from 15-17 December. For further information, please contact Moana Genevey (moana.genevey@equineteurope.org)