Equinet and UNAR – the Italian Office against Racial Discrimination held a High-Level Conference on sport’s role in fighting discrimination taking place in person in Rome, Italy on 7 November 2024. It was aimed at Equality Bodies, as well as, EU institutions, national authorities, and CSOs. On the following day, 8 November 2024, Equinet and UNAR held a workshop for Equinet Members.
Sport serves as a cornerstone of social interaction, possessing the unique ability to unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, irrespective of race, gender, or sexual orientation. It is not merely a pastime but a powerful vehicle for promoting the values of diversity, fostering inclusivity, and challenging discrimination, stereotypes, and prejudice. However, the harsh reality reveals a troubling narrative of recurring racist incidents within European sporting arenas, alongside pervasive discrimination against women, racial minorities, and the LGBTQI+ community.
The persistence of these barriers, exacerbated by prejudice and harmful stereotypes, demands urgent action from EU institutions and Member States to dismantle systemic inequalities within the sports sector. The legal and policy framework at the European level provides a foundation for combatting discrimination, with the EU adopting equality strategies aimed at addressing disparities across all areas of life, including sports. Measures such as Regulation (EU) 2021/817 and European Parliament resolutions underscore the imperative of collaboration among stakeholders to confront racism and discrimination head-on.
Equinet’s exploration into the role of Equality Bodies in combatting discrimination within sports remains limited. However, several Equality Bodies have accumulated valuable experience in addressing these issues and stand ready to share best practices. This is the case of the Italian Equality Body, the National Office Against Racial Discrimination (UNAR), whose joint initiative with national sports federations and organizations National Observatory Against Discrimination in Sport is committed to promote equality and inclusion in and via sport throughout the country.
Equinet and UNAR seek to facilitate the dissemination of these insights, fostering a collective effort to drive meaningful change. Moreover, it is crucial to engage with relevant stakeholders to strategize on how Equality Bodies can collaborate effectively to promote equality and eradicate discrimination within sport. With this purpose, the conference will bring together Equality Bodies and relevant International and European institutions and organisations to share good practices and develop their cooperation on promoting equality and tackling discrimination in and through sport.
The High-Level conference brought together Equality Bodies and relevant institutions and organisations from across Europe to share good practices and develop their cooperation on promoting equality and tackling discrimination in sport.
The High-Level Conference included the following sessions:
During the second day, Equinet Members participated in a workshop, including the following sessions:
For further information, contact Daris Lewis Recio (daris.lewis@equineteurope.org).