October 25, 2018
Priest/Judge/Police officer/Child rights specialist/Mother/Friend, when you‘re blaming a woman suffering from violence – you‘re supporting the perpetrator

Lithuania: New public service ad “Palaikyk” brings victim blaming into public discussion

“Blaming the victim means supporting the offender”, says the posters all around Vilnius, Kaunas and other Lithuanian cities. "Palaikyk" ("Support") is the name of a new public service ad by the Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson. The campaign strives to inspire the society to support women who open up about the experience of abuse and violence.
October 24, 2018
Plenary session at the FRF

Equinet Promoting Equality at the Fundamental Rights Forum 2018

Equinet and member equality bodies participated in the Fundamental Rights Agency's bi-annual Fundamental Rights Forum (FRF) in Vienna from 25-27 September 2018. The FRF is a unique space for dialogue on the pressing human rights challenges in the EU, and offers an opportunity to engage in new conversations and shape critical human rights agendas.
October 24, 2018

Germany: Collection of Anti-discrimination Data in Representative Repeat Surveys

The expert opinion prepared for the Federal Antidiscrimination Agency (FADA) sets out to identify the discrimination-relevant questions and categories included in representative repeat surveys conducted across Germany. It covers both cross-thematic surveys (such as microcensus, socio-economic panel - SOEP) and major area- and target group specific surveys (such as the German ageing survey "Deutscher Alterssurvey"). Based on these data, it evaluates existing Approaches and flags data gaps. Finally, the expert opinion formulates recommendations specifying the ways in which discrimination reporting should be developed further to match the scope of protection enshrined in the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).
October 18, 2018

Framing Equality: Communication Handbook for Equality Bodies

Why do stories matter? What is framing? And how can we create the right messages to talk to a given audience? ’Framing Equality: Communication Handbook for […]
October 12, 2018

Developing a national barometer of prejudice and discrimination in Britain

This is the first national survey of prejudice in Britain for over a decade. It measures prejudice and discrimination experienced by people with a wide range of protected characteristics. The aim of this report is to demonstrate the value of using a national survey of this type to measure people’s experiences of prejudice in Britain, as well as people’s attitudes towards others. It also aims to set a benchmark for future surveys.
October 8, 2018

Northern Ireland: Annual Report

The nineteenth Annual Report of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, covering the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018, was laid before the Northern Ireland Assembly and the House of Commons on 5 September 2018. The Commission has also published a review summarising the report, which describes the range and impact of the Commission’s work twenty years after the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement made the focus on equality one of its central tenets.
October 1, 2018

Ireland: State Must be Held to Account on Compliance with UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The State must be held to account on its approach to the rights of persons with disabilities, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (“The Commission”) stated on 1 October. The Commission made the call as it launches a nation-wide campaign for people with disabilities to serve on the first ever statutory advisory committee in Ireland to support monitoring of Ireland’s implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Furthermore, new IHREC/ESRI Research Shows People with Disabilities Much More Likely to Experience Discrimination.
September 25, 2018

Czech Republic: Report on the protection against discrimination 2017

The Public Defender of Rights in Czech Republic has published a Summary Report on the protection against discrimination in 2017.
September 21, 2018

Slovakia: Report on the Observance of Human Rights including the Principle of Equal Treatment

The Slovak National Centre for Human Rights' Report on the Observance of Human Rights including the Principle of Equal Treatment for the Year 2017 has now been translated into English giving you the opportunity to look closely into the current human rights situation in Slovakia.