Equality Bodies at Work

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February 20, 2019

Northern Ireland: Latest Equality Awareness Survey “A Question of Attitude”

“We know that our attitudes towards other people affect how we behave towards them and that negative attitudes can lead to negative behaviours - that is why it is important that we track social attitudes here in Northern Ireland.”
February 20, 2019

15th anniversary: Belgian Institute for the equality of women and men

February 20, 2019

Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia publishes Guidelines for employers on reasonable accommodation for employees with disability

February 20, 2019

Save the Date: Disability and Europe’s Labour Market – Conference of European Ombudspersons

January 8, 2019

Extending the Agenda. Equality Bodies addressing Hate Speech

Hate speech and hate crime are growing and damaging phenomena across Europe. This is recognised in the work of the European Commission and of the Council of Europe. European standards for equality bodies recommend that their mandate be extended to include hate speech. Few equality bodies have an explicit mandate on hate speech, many have, however, interpreted their mandate to include hate speech. This situation can leave them lacking the competences and resources required to make an impact.
December 19, 2018

Equality in the Classroom: Equality Bodies and Gender Equality in Education

This Equinet report has been prepared by the Gender Equality Working Group with the aim to help equality bodies and other institutions to better understand the […]
December 14, 2018

Germany: inadmissable questions at job interviews

On 5 December 2018, the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA) published the results of a survey on inadmissible questions at job interviews. The survey investigates the extent to which applicants are sensitised to the inadmissibility of questions regarding the characteristics protected under the General Act on Equal Treatment in job interviews, and whether they had ever faced such questions in the past. In addition, attitudes towards anonymised job application procedures were surveyed.
December 10, 2018

Equality bodies making a difference

The latest publication of the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination, "Equality bodies making a difference", focuses on the important work of equality bodies, looking at the diversity, potential and context of equality bodies, and then focusing on different aspects of standards for equality bodies, such as institutional architecture, independence, effectiveness and accessibility. The impact of equality bodies on society is also addressed, as well as proposals for useful measures at EU, national and equality body level.
December 7, 2018

70 Years of Human Rights – Leave No One Behind

On the occasion of the Equinet board meeting in Vienna, the Austrian Ombud for Equal Treatment is hosting a side-event in the House of the European Union to discuss the links between the UN-Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and equality bodies.