This 2-day in-person training will take place on 9-10 April 2025 (in person, location TBC) in conjunction with the Equinet Equality Law Working Group Meeting (on 11 April 2025, hybrid). It is aimed at Members of the Equinet Equality Law Working Group.
Register by 28 February!Article 7 of the newly adopted Directives on Standards for Equality Bodies states that “Equality bodies shall be able to offer the parties the possibility of seeking an alternative resolution to their dispute”. This power can either be given directly to the Equality Body or the Equality Body may collaborate with another competent entity. Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are an important means to settle disputes, providing an advantage over court proceedings in many cases.
It is therefore vital that Equality Bodies increase their knowledge on alternative dispute resolution and the different forms this may take. In 2012, Equinet organised a first training on alternative dispute resolution, which showed that most Equality Bodies already use such mechanisms in suitable cases, either formally or informally. Building on this first training is crucial and timely, taking into particular consideration how Equality Bodies’ role and use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms might need to be adapted due to the transposition of the Standards Directives. This training therefore provides Equality Bodies with the timely and necessary opportunity to deepen and apply their knowledge as well as exchange with their colleagues from other Equality Bodies.
The target audience of this training is Members of the Equality Law Working Group.
For further information, please contact Jone Elizondo-Urrestarazu (