Race and Ethnic Origin

Relevant EU Directive:

Directive 2000/43/EC.

EU and international legal documents use the notion of racial discrimination while explicitly rejecting the notion of separate human races. The prohibition of discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin can also cover discrimination based on colour, descent or national origin.


Examples can include the refusal of an employer to hire a Roma person or the refusal of entry to a club for a black person.

July 24, 2023

Training: Intersectionality & Multiple Discrimination – Methods on data collection and measurement, challenges and opportunities

This training took place in person on 16-17 October in Brussels, Belgium. It was aimed at Equality Bodies experts, including members of the Research and Data […]
July 5, 2023

Workshop: Equality Bodies contributing to National Roma Strategic Frameworks

  This workshop took place online on 27 February 2023. It brought together Equality Bodies’ staff, the European Commission, National Authorities, and Civil Society Organisations to […]