Horizontal issues

Apart from working on specific grounds of discrimination, Equinet also covers various issues related to the achievement of equality in Europe and the fight against discrimination. This includes developing a reflection on intersectionality and multiple discrimination, addressing hate speech and engaging with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

January 8, 2019

Extending the Agenda. Equality Bodies addressing Hate Speech

Hate speech and hate crime are growing and damaging phenomena across Europe. This is recognised in the work of the European Commission and of the Council of Europe. European standards for equality bodies recommend that their mandate be extended to include hate speech. Few equality bodies have an explicit mandate on hate speech, many have, however, interpreted their mandate to include hate speech. This situation can leave them lacking the competences and resources required to make an impact.
November 22, 2018

Not on Our Watch! Equality Bodies fighting Hate Speech

On 19-21 November, the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and the National Office against Racial Discrimination (UNAR) co-organised a two-and-a-half-day seminar to build the individual […]