February 20, 2019

No progress in curbing racial discrimination in the European labour market

The report explores racism and discrimination in employment in 23 EU countries in the last five years. Little has changed since ENAR’s last 2012-13 report on […]
February 20, 2019

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Today, 21 March, is marked as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. On this occasion, heads of three European human rights institutions have […]
February 20, 2019

Sweden: Racist and xenophobic hate speech on the rise despite considerable preventive efforts

ECRI welcomes the positive developments in Sweden since the previous report in 2012. The government has launched a National Plan to combat racism, similar forms of […]
February 20, 2019

New general policy guidelines on strengthening equality bodies to combat discrimination and intolerance

The new General Policy Recommendation of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) draws on existing good practices and focuses on the key elements for […]
January 8, 2019

Extending the Agenda. Equality Bodies addressing Hate Speech

Hate speech and hate crime are growing and damaging phenomena across Europe. This is recognised in the work of the European Commission and of the Council of Europe. European standards for equality bodies recommend that their mandate be extended to include hate speech. Few equality bodies have an explicit mandate on hate speech, many have, however, interpreted their mandate to include hate speech. This situation can leave them lacking the competences and resources required to make an impact.
December 7, 2018
Being Black in the EU - Tena Šimonović Einwalter speaking

Equinet on the Move: Equality Body representation at European level

There have been a range of important events taking place at in Brussels over the past few weeks, focusing on democracy in the EU, being black in Europe, legal developments at EU level and tackling discrimination against Muslims in the EU. Equinet was there, representing the expert voice of equality bodies to advance equality in Europe.
November 28, 2018

Working with Roma: Participation and empowerment of local communities

This report presents the main insights gained during the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s project on local engagement for Roma inclusion, which explores how to best involve Roma in integration efforts at the local level. Bringing together local authorities and residents, especially Roma, it investigated what aspects work, which ones do not, and why this is the case.
November 28, 2018

Guidance note on the practical application of Council Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia

28 November 2018 marks the 10-year anniversary of the EU Framework on combating racism & xenophobia. On the occasion of its 10-year anniversary, a guidance note on the practical application of the EU Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia has been adopted by the EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
November 28, 2018

Launching of FRA’s Being Black in the EU report

On 28 November 2018, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) launched a report on ''Being Black in Europe''. The report draws on findings from FRA’s second EU minorities and discrimination survey (EU-MIDIS II). The findings of the new report indicate how black people regularly experience racial discrimination, racist crime, racial profiling and social exclusion.