April 7, 2020

Solidarity must prevail – Stigmatisation and discrimination of health workers has no place in our society

A new and scary discrimination trend seems to be arising in Europe - and worldwide - fuelled by fear of contracting COVID-19 against those that are in the frontline of action. The daily lives of nurses, doctors and health care workers is increasingly being affected by discriminatory attitudes and harassment.
April 3, 2020

Will actions finally speak louder than words in a Union of Equality?

Three weeks ago, the European Commission released a Gender Equality Strategy, presented by the first ever Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli.
April 1, 2020

ECRI’s Report on Germany

By Niklas Hofmann from the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA) in Germany Things had been planned very differently, but that’s the way it goes in the age […]
March 30, 2020

No crisis can undermine the fundamental value of equality

I am writing this post as Chair of the Executive Board of Equinet, but also as Deputy Ombudswoman of Croatia, and as a woman and a mother, in these challenging times of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
November 5, 2019

Quo vadis EU equality legislation – Equinet addressing the EU Council of Ministers

Luxembourg, 24 October 2019. Equinet addresses the EU’s Council of Ministers responsible for employment and social policies for the first time, providing inputs to their discussions on EU equality legislation.
July 8, 2019

Why will European Equality Bodies be represented at the UN High Level Political Forum?

New York, 8 July 2019. It has been four years since the U.N. released the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an ambitious plan for global change divided in 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Every year, the progress made by governments to achieve the SDGs is closely monitored at the UN High Level Political Forum
October 5, 2020

France: Discrimination and Origins. The Urgent Need for Action

The current health crisis and resulting lockdown have highlighted social inequality and exacerbated the discrimination suffered, in particular, by people of foreign origin or perceived as […]
September 10, 2020

Equinet Compendium: Article 14 Cases from the European Court of Human Rights

In order to identify how equality bodies could best contribute to developing European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) jurisprudence, the Equinet Equality Law Working Group monitored Article 14 cases to identify those that are directly relevant to equality and non-discrimination and the work of equality bodies. Read their findings in our Compendium
July 28, 2020

Equality for Roma and Travellers: Time to Deliver

Equality Bodies accord high priority in their work to seeking improvement in the situation and experience of Roma and Travellers. They share a particular concern at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Roma and Travellers and how inequality and disadvantage have left these communities ill-equipped to protect themselves from the pandemic.
July 24, 2020

Contributing to the European Action Plan against Racism & Xenophobia

On 20 July, Equinet representatives participated in a consultation meeting with European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová and Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli […]
July 23, 2020
Roma and Traveller Inclusion: Towards a new EU Framework learning from the work of Equality Bodies

Roma and Traveller Inclusion: Towards a new EU Framework learning from the work of Equality Bodies

The European Commission’s EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies 2011-2020 draws to its conclusion this year. This perspective seeks to assist the Commission in preparing a post 2020 EU Framework by gathering, analysing and presenting the work and experience of equality bodies across Europe in responding to the situation, experience, and specific needs of Roma and Traveller communities.
July 9, 2020

Belgian Socio-economic Monitoring 2019: labour market and origin

In Belgium, a person’s origin is still  an obstacle on the labour market. To help change this situation, the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social […]
July 9, 2020

Belgium: Identifying and tackling problematic or abusive forms of police selectivity

Unia funded research on police selectivity, conducted in collaboration with the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC) and the Brussels North police zone. Main conclusion? […]
July 6, 2020

Celebrating 20 years of equal treatment legislation: equality2020 Conference

equality2020: celebrating 20 years of equal treatment legislation
June 8, 2020

The other pandemic: Systemic racism and its consequences

The events of the last few days, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and following the death of George Floyd, have prompted an amplification of the racial justice movement in the United States that is resonating everywhere in the world, including in Europe. This blogpost aims to give some insight into this movement from a systemic racism point of view, highlighting how this is far from an isolated incident, but a part of a whole system of oppression that needs dismantling.