This roundtable took place online on 11 October and it brought together Equality Bodies, civil society organisations and European institutions to discuss the role of National […]
Equinet’s latest publication Preventing and Reacting to Discrimination through Sanctions and Remedies assesses how current European sanctions regimes can be considered effective, proportionate, and dissuasive. The […]
Equinet’s latest publication Equality Bodies and Reasonable Accommodation Beyond the Ground of Disability addresses the extension of the concept and the provision of reasonable accommodation beyond […]
The European Commission has a number of funding and tender opportunities available for Equality Bodies, and we encourage you to apply based on your interests. Equality […]
Equinet’s latest publication “Equality Bodies and the European Structural and Investment Funds Realising a Potential for Change” aims at supporting Equality Bodies in effectively engaging with European […]
The European Commission’s proposals for new Directives on standards for Equality Bodies are a major step for equality in Europe. Equinet and National Equality Bodies call on […]
Equinet’s latest publication Equality Planning: Purpose, Potential and Experience. Case Studies from the work of Equality Bodies draws from the experience and expertise of Equality Bodies in […]
What is the childcare allowance scandal? The kinderopvangtoeslag (childcare allowance) is a benefit provided by the Dutch state through a special department of the tax authority […]