November 28, 2018

Guidance note on the practical application of Council Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia

28 November 2018 marks the 10-year anniversary of the EU Framework on combating racism & xenophobia. On the occasion of its 10-year anniversary, a guidance note on the practical application of the EU Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia has been adopted by the EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
November 28, 2018

Launching of FRA’s Being Black in the EU report

On 28 November 2018, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) launched a report on ''Being Black in Europe''. The report draws on findings from FRA’s second EU minorities and discrimination survey (EU-MIDIS II). The findings of the new report indicate how black people regularly experience racial discrimination, racist crime, racial profiling and social exclusion.
November 22, 2018

Not on Our Watch! Equality Bodies fighting Hate Speech

On 19-21 November, the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and the National Office against Racial Discrimination (UNAR) co-organised a two-and-a-half-day seminar to build the individual […]
October 29, 2018
Tackling Ageism and Discrimination (2011)

Equinet contribution to Ageing Equal campaign

On 1 October 2018, the International Day of Older Persons, a 70 day-campaign on Ageing was launched by AGE Platform Europe together with the support of partner organisations. Equinet contributed to the campaign by writing an article authored by Tamás Kádár, our Head of Legal and Policy team, focusing on intergenerational solidarity and how ageism is experienced by both young and old people.
October 26, 2018

IGLYO, OII Europe and EPA launch intersex toolkit for parents

On the occasion of this year’s Intersex Awareness Day, IGLYO is proud to launch “Supporting your intersex child”, a toolkit for parents, carers, relatives and siblings of intersex children, written in collaboration with OII Europe and the European Parents’ Association (EPA).
October 22, 2018
Infographic Summary

Equinet speaks at OSCE Conference on Combatting Intolerance and Discrimination: Focus on Religion or Belief

The OSCE high-level conference took place in Rome on 22 October and was an opportunity to discuss good practices related to addressing racism, xenophobia, gender, anti-Semitism and intolerance against Muslims, Christians and members of other religions, as well as challenges related to discriminatory practices, which continue to be a concern across the OSCE region. Tena Šimonović Einwalter, Equinet Chair, represented the Network on panel discussing ""Intolerance and discrimination, with a focus on discrimination based on religion or belief".
October 18, 2018

Framing Equality: Communication Handbook for Equality Bodies

Why do stories matter? What is framing? And how can we create the right messages to talk to a given audience? ’Framing Equality: Communication Handbook for […]
October 15, 2018

Toolkit: Women of Colour in the Workplace

This toolkit aims to challenge dominant diversity management practices to move beyond gender as a singular category and shift toward an intersectional approach to diversity management. It is part of a wider body of work produced by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) exploring racism, discrimination and exclusion as experienced by women of colour through an intersectional lens.
October 12, 2018

LGBTQI networks submit report to the Council of Europe on protecting human rights in Europe

In 2018 the Council of Europe is measuring the progress that European countries have made in advancing equality for LGBTQI people. This is the second time this process is happening after the recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 was adopted 8 years ago. The recommendation established important standards about how discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) should be fought. Transgender Europe (TGEU) welcomes this second review on the recommendations, and looks forward to continued political commitment to LGBTQI equality from the Council of Europe.