January 8, 2019

Extending the Agenda. Equality Bodies addressing Hate Speech

Hate speech and hate crime are growing and damaging phenomena across Europe. This is recognised in the work of the European Commission and of the Council of Europe. European standards for equality bodies recommend that their mandate be extended to include hate speech. Few equality bodies have an explicit mandate on hate speech, many have, however, interpreted their mandate to include hate speech. This situation can leave them lacking the competences and resources required to make an impact.
December 19, 2018

Equality in the Classroom: Equality Bodies and Gender Equality in Education

This Equinet report has been prepared by the Gender Equality Working Group with the aim to help equality bodies and other institutions to better understand the […]
December 17, 2018
Integrated Polices - Integrated Approach

Istanbul Convention: Preventing and Combating Violence against Women

The Istanbul Convention is widely recognised as the most far-reaching legal instrument to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence as a violation of human rights. Since its opening for signature in 2011, it has garnered significant support at all levels: national, regional and local governments, the public, parliaments, other national, regional and international human rights organisations, civil society organisations, media and academia. It has been awarded national and international prizes for its vision to keep women and girls safe from violence. The Istanbul Convention has given ratifying countries an incentive to incorporate gender-based violence into existing legislation, thus offering additional protection for women.
December 10, 2018

Persistent antisemitism hangs over EU

Antisemitic hate speech, harassment and fear of being recognised as Jewish; these are some of the realities of being Jewish in the EU today. It appears to be getting worse, finds a major repeat survey of Jews from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, the largest ever of its kind worldwide.
December 7, 2018
Being Black in the EU - Tena Šimonović Einwalter speaking

Equinet on the Move: Equality Body representation at European level

There have been a range of important events taking place at in Brussels over the past few weeks, focusing on democracy in the EU, being black in Europe, legal developments at EU level and tackling discrimination against Muslims in the EU. Equinet was there, representing the expert voice of equality bodies to advance equality in Europe.
December 4, 2018

From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities

Choosing where to live, with whom, and what to eat, when, are some of the realities of independent living that most of us take for granted. But for people with disabilities theory and practice can be worlds apart, finds the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ latest report. It explores what enables and what hinders the drive towards independent community living for people with disabilities.
December 3, 2018

Northern Ireland: Mental Health Charter for employers and service providers

A new Mental Health Charter for employers and service providers has been launched in Northern Ireland. The Charter, jointly produced by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI), Action Mental Health, Disability Action, Mindwise, Mental Health Foundation and Niamh, provides a framework for working towards mentally healthy workplaces.
November 28, 2018

Working with Roma: Participation and empowerment of local communities

This report presents the main insights gained during the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s project on local engagement for Roma inclusion, which explores how to best involve Roma in integration efforts at the local level. Bringing together local authorities and residents, especially Roma, it investigated what aspects work, which ones do not, and why this is the case.
November 28, 2018

Antisemitism – Overview of data available in the European Union 2007-2017

This report published by the European Union Agency on Fundamental Rights (FRA) provides an overview of data on antisemitism as recorded by international organisations and by official and unofficial sources in the 28 European Union (EU) Member States, based on their own definitions and categorisations.