May 4, 2020

COVID-19: What is the specific impact on LGBTI people in Europe?

All of this is hard. We are living unprecedented times, but global response to the crisis should address its potential impact on marginalised groups, including LGBTI people, and their access to healthcare and safety at home, as well as to watch out for discriminatory practices and measures.
April 22, 2020

A Perspective from the work of equality bodies on: European equality policy strategies, equal treatment Directives, and standards for equality bodies

Equinet seeks to contribute to the current moment of transition in the European Institutions with this perspective, which seeks to draw out the learning from the work of equality bodies that might inform the development of new equality policy strategies, review of the equal treatment Directives, implementation of the standards for equality bodies and further action on equality data.
April 3, 2020

Will actions finally speak louder than words in a Union of Equality?

Three weeks ago, the European Commission released a Gender Equality Strategy, presented by the first ever Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli.
February 27, 2020

Policy Brief on the future Gender Equality Strategy

On the first week of March, the European Commission will release its new Gender Equality Strategy. Equinet warmly welcomes this initiative, since it is extremely important […]
November 28, 2019

Tackling Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence: Equality Bodies’ Contribution

This Equinet Paper looks at the legal frameworks governing the issue of violence against women, and how equality bodies can contribute to and best engage with these frameworks. It gathers examples of good practice by equality bodies, focusing on: promotional activities, surveys, recommendations, trainings and cooperation. It also highlights cases from equality bodies dealing with gender-based harassment, violence and hate speech.
November 28, 2019

Ireland falling down on obligations to tackle Racial Discrimination UN told in new Report

The Irish State is failing to sufficiently tackle racism and discrimination and to live up to its international human rights obligations in combatting racial discrimination, according […]
November 26, 2019

Protecting whistleblowers – a European challenge

Conference takes place in Paris on 3 December
November 13, 2019

National Cases & Good Practices on Equal Pay

The European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination has released a new publication highlighting equal pay cases and good practice linked to the […]
November 12, 2019

Equinet speaking in the Council of the EU

Last week, Deputy Director Tamás Kádár represented Equinet at two Council of the EU meetings working on Fundamental Rights. Independent governmental bodies for the promotion & […]