September 14, 2020
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Let’s talk about sexual and reproductive health and rights: Not fully implemented before COVID-19 & suspended during the pandemic

This blog post outlines the pre-existing limitations in access to sexual and reproductive health and rights across Europe as well as the further violations we are now witnessing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. By looking at how equality bodies are responding, this article shows the unique role that NEBs play in ensuring access to SRHR.
September 10, 2020

Equinet Compendium: Article 14 Cases from the European Court of Human Rights

In order to identify how equality bodies could best contribute to developing European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) jurisprudence, the Equinet Equality Law Working Group monitored Article 14 cases to identify those that are directly relevant to equality and non-discrimination and the work of equality bodies. Read their findings in our Compendium
August 27, 2020

Germany: Risks of discrimination caused by algorithms

The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency published a study on the risks of discrimination caused by algorithms in November 2019, and have just released the English version. The […]
July 29, 2020

Equinet’s first amicus curiae intervention to the European Court of Human Rights

Equinet has submitted its first third-party intervention before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in the case of Franc TOPLAK v. Slovenia and Iztok MRAK v. Slovenia. This is the first time that the Court will decide on the merits of a case regarding the structural problem of physical accessibility to polling stations regarding persons with disabilities, and the positive duties States have to ensure effective accessibility.
July 28, 2020

Equality for Roma and Travellers: Time to Deliver

Equality Bodies accord high priority in their work to seeking improvement in the situation and experience of Roma and Travellers. They share a particular concern at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Roma and Travellers and how inequality and disadvantage have left these communities ill-equipped to protect themselves from the pandemic.
July 27, 2020

Why Intersectionality is relevant for a fairer Europe

Initially hailed as the 'great equalizer,' the COVID-19 pandemic has, in reality, exposed the depth of institutional, structural, and systemic discrimination and inequality in our societies. The question for Europe now is not if discrimination and exclusion exist but rather how intersectionality serves as a tool to create a fairer, socially just, and more inclusive Europe for everyone.
July 24, 2020

Contributing to the European Action Plan against Racism & Xenophobia

On 20 July, Equinet representatives participated in a consultation meeting with European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová and Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli […]
July 23, 2020
Roma and Traveller Inclusion: Towards a new EU Framework learning from the work of Equality Bodies

Roma and Traveller Inclusion: Towards a new EU Framework learning from the work of Equality Bodies

The European Commission’s EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies 2011-2020 draws to its conclusion this year. This perspective seeks to assist the Commission in preparing a post 2020 EU Framework by gathering, analysing and presenting the work and experience of equality bodies across Europe in responding to the situation, experience, and specific needs of Roma and Traveller communities.
July 9, 2020

Belgian Socio-economic Monitoring 2019: labour market and origin

In Belgium, a person’s origin is still  an obstacle on the labour market. To help change this situation, the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social […]