October 15, 2018

Toolkit: Women of Colour in the Workplace

This toolkit aims to challenge dominant diversity management practices to move beyond gender as a singular category and shift toward an intersectional approach to diversity management. It is part of a wider body of work produced by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) exploring racism, discrimination and exclusion as experienced by women of colour through an intersectional lens.
August 31, 2018
Equality Bodies making a difference

Equality Bodies making a Difference

EU discrimination law doesn’t account for cases of multiple discrimination. EU law falls very short of protecting Europeans that suffer multiple forms of discrimination, such has […]
July 23, 2018

Better education key to breaking Roma poverty cycle

Young Roma remain trapped in a vicious poverty cycle linked to poor education and job prospects, finds a new report from the EU Agency of Fundamental Rights (FRA).
July 19, 2018

Europe must do more to protect women with disabilities

EESC: The EU must fight against and outlaw all gender - and disability-based discrimination affecting some 40 million women in Europe
July 16, 2018

Women with low skills have fewer opportunities in the EU labour market

Today’s job market is constantly increasing requirements on competencies across all sectors. This poses a major challenge for the 64 million women and men with low levels of education in Member States. They are more often unemployed or completely out of the labour market, compared to people with middle and high levels of education. Women with low qualifications find it especially hard to access jobs with decent pay. Only 42 % of low qualified women are employed and almost half of these work in a precarious job. These are some of the findings from a new study on gender, skills and precarious work from the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) released in May.
June 22, 2018

Equinet welcomes standards adopted by the European Commission for the independence and effectiveness of equality bodies

June 12, 2018

Spain: CALÍ. Equality for Roma women

A new programme by Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) addresses inequality of Roma women from an integral approach. 25 Roma professionals women will work for the programme, which will be developed in 28 cities. CALÍ complements the FSG´s programmes developed with the support of the European Social Fund: Acceder (professional training and employment) and Promociona (education).
June 4, 2018

Equinet Conference: Investing in Equality

This conference took place on 1 June in Brussels, and was convened to address the challenges to equality, discuss European-level solutions and identify the role equality bodies can play in these.
May 7, 2018

Strategic Litigation Handbook

Strategic litigation is used by some equality bodies, while others currently consider experimenting the use of this tool to take up cases that can result in important clarifications and adjustments of the applicable law and positive changes going beyond the particular case.