April 30, 2014
speakers and audience

High-Level Seminar on Gender Equality

On Thursday 24 April 2014, Equinet organised a High-Level Seminar in Brussels bringing together representatives of equality bodies, national and European stakeholders and experts, for an […]
September 20, 2013

Training: Equal Pay (18-19 September 2013, Lisbon)

On 18-19 September 2013 in Lisbon, Equinet, with the support and hosting of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) and the Commission for Equality […]
June 28, 2013

High-Level Seminar on Gender Equality in the Labour Market: the Role of Equality Bodies

This High Level Seminar was held on 27 June 2013 in Brussels and is the first event dedicated to gender equality organised by Equinet following the […]