June 10, 2020
AI report cover page


The Report: “Regulating AI: The new role for equality bodies” brings together the results of the study whilst showcasing the current work of NEBs and includes a set of recommendations for the future work of Equinet and its members.
May 12, 2020

Equinet’s Submission to the 2020 Rule of Law Report Consultation

The Equinet Secretariat filled out the questionnaire, focusing on equality as a fundamental value, on which the EU is built. It noted that the rule of law, equality and fundamental rights are parallel values, thus failing to guarantee one will harm the others as well. sing the European Commission’s 2018 Recommendation on Standards for Equality Bodies as a backdrop, Equinet’s submission concentrated on how rule of law breaches may affect these standards, namely the independence, effectiveness, resources, mandate and national institutional architecture for equality.
May 4, 2020

Equinet discussing the equality impacts of COVID-19 with European Commissioners

Equinet was contacted by the Commission owing to the unique expertise and insight equality bodies offer on the equality and non-discrimination issues raised by COVID-19.
April 22, 2020

A Perspective from the work of equality bodies on: European equality policy strategies, equal treatment Directives, and standards for equality bodies

Equinet seeks to contribute to the current moment of transition in the European Institutions with this perspective, which seeks to draw out the learning from the work of equality bodies that might inform the development of new equality policy strategies, review of the equal treatment Directives, implementation of the standards for equality bodies and further action on equality data.
April 1, 2020

ECRI’s Report on Germany

By Niklas Hofmann from the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA) in Germany Things had been planned very differently, but that’s the way it goes in the age […]
February 27, 2020

Policy Brief on the future Gender Equality Strategy

On the first week of March, the European Commission will release its new Gender Equality Strategy. Equinet warmly welcomes this initiative, since it is extremely important […]
December 20, 2019

Ahead of the Germany Presidency: What next for the future of European Anti-Discrimination legislation?

We need strong voices for equal treatment in everyday life and in the workplace. And we have many of them: but in Germany and elsewhere, they […]
November 28, 2019

Tackling Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence: Equality Bodies’ Contribution

This Equinet Paper looks at the legal frameworks governing the issue of violence against women, and how equality bodies can contribute to and best engage with these frameworks. It gathers examples of good practice by equality bodies, focusing on: promotional activities, surveys, recommendations, trainings and cooperation. It also highlights cases from equality bodies dealing with gender-based harassment, violence and hate speech.
November 12, 2019

Equinet speaking in the Council of the EU

Last week, Deputy Director Tamás Kádár represented Equinet at two Council of the EU meetings working on Fundamental Rights. Independent governmental bodies for the promotion & […]