On 6th February 2025, AGE Platform Europe, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), and the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) hosted the online policy roundtable “The missing piece in striving for equality in Europe: the case of age discrimination.“
Policy actors from the UN, European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe, United Nations, Equality Bodies, National Human Rights Institutions, experts, and civil society representatives, joined the session to discuss ways to strengthen protection against age discrimination in Europe.
The many interventions of participants led to a dynamic and fruitful discussion, reaffirming the widespread support in protecting older people’s rights and the benefits of combating age discrimination at all ages.
Increasing longevity is a fact, and we need to be able to reaping its benefits for all generations. However, we are not there yet. Ageism remains one of the most widespread and accepted forms of discrimination, often normalised, and lacks a strong EU-wide framework.
Older people face exclusion, poverty, and barriers to access services, while digitalisation and climate change add new challenges that EU policies must address.
At the global level, UN member states have recommended among other options, a new international legally binding instrument to secure equal rights in old age (Decision 14/1 of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing). At the European level however, to this date, there is no commitment to advance equality at all ages.
The Member of the European Parliament, Michael Szczerba, opened the session by expressing full support for the AGE Manifesto, stressing that the EU must lead in advancing an ageing strategy and supporting a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons. He also looks forward to working with AGE Platform Europe in the upcoming European Parliament Interest Group on Ageing.
Claudia Mahler, UN Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human Rights by Older Persons, stressed that protecting the human rights of older people benefits all generations and highlighted that older people are often invisible in policy agendas. To shift this view, it is key to launch an EU action plan against age discrimination, based on human rights and dignity.
Ana Carla Pereira, Director Equality and Non-Discrimination, DG JUST, European Commission, underlined that combating age discrimination is a core principle in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. While acknowledging progress, she stressed that this is a timely moment to discuss further steps and strengthen the EU’s commitment to protecting older persons.
Member of the European Parliament, Idoia Mendia Cueva, is also looking forward to working with AGE Platform Europe in the upcoming European Parliament Interest Group on Ageing, as she is the key initiator of this effort. It was emphasised that ageing should be viewed as an opportunity rather than a problem, and that access to quality care should be seen not as an expense but as an investment that drives economic growth and creates new opportunities. Strengthening intergenerational solidarity and ensuring the rights of older people must be central to EU policies.
Stavroula Georgiou from the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare of Cyprus announced that the upcoming EU Cyprus Presidency will address the importance of combating age discrimination.
Many representatives from civil society organisations, equality bodies and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) took the floor, sharing their views on the topic and highlighting the importance of the EU taking concrete and urgent action to protect the rights of older people.
We will soon publish an outcome report that provides additional details, as well as the conclusions and next steps.
Here are some key resources you can explore on age discrimination, along with a few small gestures to help change the way you view ageing and older people.
European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet)’s Resources
European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI)’s Resources
AGE Platform Europe’s Resources