The European Network of Equality Bodies is made up of National Equality Bodies from across Europe. Equality Bodies are champions of equality and non-discrimination, and this Equinet Brochure introduces them in more detail, by answering a range of questions, such as:
- What are National Equality Bodies, and what do they do?
- Is a government equality office, an NGO, a National Human Rights Institution or an Ombudsman an Equality Body?
- Can Equality Bodies help if someone feels discriminated on more than one ground?
- When asking for advice or submitting a complaint to an Equality Body, do I have to pay a fee?
- What societal and legislative challenges do Equality Bodies face?
- What are European standards for Equality Bodies and why are they important?
- How can I work with and support National Equality Bodies
This brochure also includes an overview of all Equinet members, and the grounds that are covered by them, per country.