Equality bodies are champions for the core EU value of equality and defenders of the right to non-discrimination.
They are public organisations assisting victims of discrimination, monitoring and reporting on discrimination issues, and contributing to an awareness of rights and a societal valuing of equality. They are legally required to do so in relation to one, some, or all of the grounds of discrimination covered by European Union (EU) law – gender, race and ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability.They play a fundamental role in the non-discrimination architecture of the EU.
Accessible text of the video "How do equality bodies help victims of discrimination?" available here.How do equality bodies help victims of discrimination?
Their role is defined in accordance with EU equal treatment legislation requiring Member States to set up Equality Bodies to combat discrimination based on race and ethnic origin[1], as well as gender[2]. Many Member States have gone beyond these requirements and ensured that Equality Bodies can also deal with discrimination based on other grounds.
These bodies have a distinct role from national governments and civil society organisations. They promote equality and ensure that equal treatment legislation is applied by:
- Taking complaints from anyone who experiences discrimination;
- Providing legal assistance to those who experience discrimination, in many cases including taking cases to court or deciding the case in their administrative procedure;
- Collecting data on equality;
- Conducting research on equality in society;
- Making recommendations to policy makers and legislators;
- Raise awareness and communicate about equality and rights;
- Engaging with employers, service providers, other public bodies, and civil society organisations to help them put in place good equality plans and practices.
[1] Directive 2000/43/EC : https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32000L0043 [2] Directive 2010/41 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1544179362952&uri=CELEX:32010L0041