Potential victims’ perception of discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin (Council Against Racial and Ethnic Discrimination)
The study’s main goal is to gain insight into how potential victims perceive racial or ethnic discrimination and how this has evolved over time in terms of extent and intensity, and to identify the areas, circumstances and specific manifestations of discrimination, with a special focus on the field of employment and training for employment. the aim is to address how the prevalence of discrimination based on ethnic origin has evolved during 2010, 2011 and 2013 —especially as reported in the last two studies— among the eight previously defined groups. For more information in Spanish, see here.
Examination of the African and Afro-descendant population in Spain. Identity and access to rights (General Direction for Equal Treatment and Ethnic Diversity)
It offers a first examination of the African and Afro-Descendant population living in Spain: its sociodemographic profiles, identities, needs and experiences of discrimination, together with the demand for anti-discrimination rights and policies. It represents a first step toward understanding experiences of access to rights and of discrimination in the main areas of life in which these experiences occur. It has also enabled us to examine the identities, self-determination and social discourses of African and Afro-Descendant people based on their own narratives and experiences, as well as to examine the degree of knowledge and assessment of equality and anti-discrimination public policies. The research has benefited from the inestimable collaboration of more than 40 entities from the African and Afro-Descendant population in Spain and also 1,369 persons who completed the questionnaires. For more in Spanish, see here.