Authors: Diana Ureche, Iva Fellerová Palkovská, Gilles Boultgen, Laurent Fastrez, Julia Konowrocka
Equality bodies that have been mandated as so-called Freedom of Movement Bodies or Article 4 Bodies under Directive 2014/54/EU, and other actors working on the topic can use this paper as a guide or starting point regarding general information on Freedom of Movement of Union workers in the European Union.
The purpose of this publication is not only to deliver an overview of the work of national equality bodies dealing with freedom of movement issues and cases (including nationality or citizenship discrimination), but also to provide an overview of relevant legislation, good practices, and challenges that the equality bodies face in their work. At the same time, the paper provides relevant information and important reflections for multiple external stakeholders such as national governments, EU Institutions or Agencies and helps them to understand what is happening in the field and what challenges article 4 bodies are facing today.
This discussion paper is a result of the work conducted by Equinet’s Freedom of Movement Cluster since 2018. Its findings are largely based on national updates from the members and on a survey organized by a Taskforce within the Cluster in 2021.