Authors: Equinet
In 2021, the European Commission released a detailed Action Plan for implementing the European Pillar
of Social Rights, which clarifies and elaborates further on the responsibility of Member States in implementing the ESPR in their respective national contexts.
The delegation of responsibility for implementing the EPSR to the Member States provides an opportunity for National Equality Bodies to contribute to a successful realization of the Pillar’s 20 principles at the national level.
Equinet used the momentum to organise an online Roundtable “Equality Bodies’ role in implementing the
European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan” serving as a unique opportunity to bring together Equality Bodies, civil society organisations, and European institutions to discuss the role of National Equality Bodies in the implementation of the 2021 Action Plan of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The outcomes of the rich presentations and conversations held during the roundtable are summarized in this factsheet.