This year, the report is different than before: it describes the rights of the Commissioner enshrined in the Constitution and explains what needs to be done to make them work for the equality body, citizens, as guaranteed in the new report that is different than the previous ones.
The explicit references to the Constitution are a reaction to activities taken by the citizens who referred to the Constitution during their July protests aimed at defending the independence of the judiciary, and during the CHR’s regional meetings that were held across Poland. (CHR report)
THE CHR’s STATEMENT REGARDING THE PROTEST OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. On 27 May 2018, the protest of persons with disabilities and their family members, conducted in the Sejm building, was suspended. Yet, thanks to it, inadequate support for persons with disabilities has finally become one of the priorities for the government. It is a challenge for each of us to ensure the possibility of independent living to such persons, underlines a statement of the Commissioner for Human Rights. (more)
RETIRED MINERS, FORMER MINERS ON DISABILITY PENSIONS, as well as miners’ widows and orphans complain that they have been excluded from the group of persons entitled to get free-of-charge coal amounts for winter. The CHR has submitted a letter of intervention, in support of those persons, to the parliamentary committee working on the amendment of the relevant act of Parliament. (more)
MAY THE LEGAL GUARDIAN PROHIBIT a resident of a social welfare home to leave the home’s premises? Results of the NMPT’s inspection visit to a social welfare home in Ciechanów. (more)
In recent years, the established myth that the Polish state is developing towards the European pluralist and democratic direction has been broken, and it will be of great importance to rebuild the belief in the state, pointed out Adam Bodnar during the debate organized by the Państwo Prawa State Based on Law] Foundation. ([more)
The situation in Poland may cause concern, said Adam Bodnar in Szczecin, during the conference entitled Hate speech, fake news and propaganda: common enemies of democracy. (more)