Those who sign up to the Charter will undertake to promote good mental health which will be beneficial to their business/organisation, employees and the whole community in Northern Ireland.
Signees will be provided with free information and training resources to help them meet their charter commitments.
By signing up to Mental Health Charter you will be working towards putting 5 Charter Commitments in place. The Mental Health Charter is not a set of quality standards or an accreditation but is a voluntary commitment to developing best practice in the workplace.
“We recognise that many people experience mental ill health during their lives and that, with the right help at the right time, they can recover.
We believe that everyone in the workplace has a responsibility to create an environment that promotes wellbeing and to look after their mental health.
We positively engage in agreeing reasonable adjustments with our applicants, employees and service users.
As an employer and service provider, we will work to create a workplace culture that promotes equality of opportunity and respect for those with mental ill health and provide a positive service to people with mental ill health.
We note that those with mental ill health suffer particular disadvantages in the workplace and in accessing goods and services. Therefore this Charter focuses on the area of mental ill health. However, we recognise that many of the Charter commitments relate equally to those with other disabilities including physical, sensory, learning and hidden disabilities.”