Please note that Equinet has a new travel policy. Members are now required to go through a 2-step registration process, and to book their own flights to be reimbursed up to the cost ceiling established by the EC. Read more about the new travel policy.
Equinet is committed to providing a safe environment for its employees, members, and external partners/guests, free from harassment on any ground. Equinet operates a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment taking place during its events, treats all incidents respectfully, confidentially and seriously, and promptly react to all allegations of harassment. Read our Safer Spaces Policy for Equinet events here.
Calendar 2025
2024 saw exciting developments in the equality field, with the adoption of two Directives on Standards for Equality Bodies, and Equinet and its members played a crucial role in facilitating some of the discussions and raising the importance of the issue. Equinet will continue to work with our partners and will pursue and establish new and strong relationships, advocating for Equality Bodies and furnishing evidence to EU legislators of the need for strong standards and ways to monitor compliance.The Equinet Work Plan 2025 outlines all activities planned for the upcoming year structured along main areas, in particular:
For further information on any of the events, please consult our Work Plan 2025.
Unless indicated otherwise, the Equinet activities below are only open to staff of Equinet member Equality Bodies and those who receive an invitation.
All times displayed are Brussels/CET for online events and local times for in person events.