
Relevant EU Directive:

Directive 2000/78/EC.

Discrimination on the basis of the protected ground of age is a widespread and damaging phenomenon, according meaning to chronological age such that people all too often judge or assess a person’s capacity, ambition and worth on the basis of their age.

As a ground of discrimination, age has a different character to other non-discrimination grounds due to the broad range of exceptions provided for by the Employment Equality Directive (2000/78/EC).


Examples can include a national provision under which a level of pay for civil servants is determined by reference to age at the time of recruitment or a national provision that deprives an employee of the right to receive a severance payment when they could claim an old-age pension.

January 20, 2022

Webinar: The potential of equality bodies getting involved in the United Nations work on ageing

This webinar was held on 25 February from 14 to 16:16 CET and  was aimed at equality body staff responsible for working on age discrimination. It […]
October 27, 2021
People Remember Stories

The power of narrative: together for equality and human rights

Communication has the power to spark change in society. Equality Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) are well aware of what compelling narratives and targeted […]