Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment
Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego
Rua Américo Durão, 12-A, 1º e 2º Olaias 1900-064 LISBOA" Portugal
800 204 684
+351215 954 000
Portuguese, Portugal
The Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE) is the Portuguese Gender Equality national body that deals with gender equality and non-discrimination in the labour market.
CITE is a tripartite and equilateral body.
CITE’s mission is to pursue:
• Equality and non-discrimination between women and men in labour, in employment and vocational training;
• Protection of parentality (maternity, paternity and adoption);
• Reconciliation of professional, personal and family life.
The Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE) was established on July 1979, on the basis of a government decision with the support of social partners. CITE, is a Portuguese equality entity with a tripartite and equilateral composition, having 4 members from the State, 4 members from the trade union confederations (CGTP-IN e UGT) and 4 members of the employers’ confederations (CCP, CIP, CAP e CTP), whose mission is the promotion and monitoring of social dialogue on gender equality, amongst other areas.
The Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE) objectives are to pursue:
• Equality and non-discrimination between women and men in labour, in employment and vocational training;
• Protection of parentality (maternity, paternity and adoption);
• Reconciliation of professional, personal and family life.
• Legal service face-to-face;
• Legal support in writing;
• Legal service by helpline;
CITE is a service of public administration, which under the organic of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security is identified as “other structures”. Having legal personality but no financial autonomy, CITE’s budget is provided by Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP) which provides also the technical and administrative support.
Private, Public
Defending own legally binding decision before the courts, Intervention in support of a party
Field | Grounds | |
Standalone dedicated national equality body
Single headed equality body (led by director or ombudsman/commissioner)
Combined (CITE is led by a president and has a board that meets once a month, or exceptionally by the initiative of the Presidency or by request of a third of its Members)
CITE is a combined mechanism as its structure is between a single headed equality body and a collegiate-headed body.
CITE has a President and a vice-president nominated by the minister responsible for the area of Employment.
CITE has also a Board with 12 members. Members of the Board are nominated by the government and by the social partners.
CITE has a tripartite and equilateral composition.
CITE’s President and Vice-President are appointed by the Minister responsible for the area of Employment, following the selection procedures of the vacancy notice for these posts.
CITE’s Board has 12 members, which are nominated by the government and by the social partners.
This institution does not have regional officies.
National Ministry