Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud
Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet
Mariboes gate 13, P.O.Box 9297 Grønland 0134 Oslo Norway
The Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud shall combat discrimination and promote equality in all areas in society, regarding the following discrimination grounds; gender, ethnicity, language, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender Identity and gender Expression, and age in work life. The Ombud handles individual discrimination cases, gives statements whether discrimination has happened. The Ombud gives legal guidance to individuals experiencing discrimination, companies and Public agencies about their duties to work for equality. The Ombud has a certain role monitoring the Government’s compliance With the UN convetions, CEDAW, CERD and CRPD.
The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud was established by an act of Parliament, the 1. January 2006. The Ombud is a result of a merge between the former Gender Equality Ombud, the Gender Equality Center and the Center for combating ethnic discrimination. The intention was to establish one, strong Equality Body, working with all protected grounds, in all areas in society, also multiple discrimination.
The Ombud’s mandate has been increased througout the years, now including a wide range of discrimination grounds, latest from 1. January 2014; sexual orientation, gender Identity and gender expression in all areas of society.
The Ombud is a Public agency, organised and financed under the Ministry of Children and equality. The Ombud is free from instructions from the Government.
Private, Public
Representing victims of discrimination before the courts, Bringing proceedings in the name of the equality body [with or without an identifiable victim], Intervention in support of a party, Amicus curiae brief or similar
Field | Grounds | |
Addressing violence against women, Addressing hate speech
Multi-mandate equality body
Office of Ombudsman
Single headed equality body (led by director or ombudsman/commissioner)
The Ombudsperson is appointed by the Government, for a periode of six years, without reappointment. The management of the Office is led by the Ombud and five leaders; heads of the five departments.
The Ombud’s Office is organised with four departments; Guidance, monitoring, communication and administration. Several projects are organised in cooperation between the various departments.
The Ombud nominates and appoints her or his own staff;including the management. The staff and management are public servants. Their appointment cannot be terminated when a new Ombud has been appointed.
This institution does not have regional officies.
National Ministry