Austrian Disability Ombudsperson
Anwältin für Gleichbehandlungsfragen für Menschen mit Behinderungen
Babenbergerstraße 5/4 1010 Vienna Austria
+43 800 80 80 16
The Austrian Disability Ombudsperson supports persons who feel discriminated against on the grounds of disability.
Protection against discrimination by law encompasses employment-related issues as well as access to goods and services.
The Austrian Disability Ombudsperson was founded in 2006 by an Act of Parliament together with the introduction of a major shift in anti-discrimination law regarding Austria’s implementation of directive EC 78/2000.
The Austrian Disability Ombudsperson supports individual persons as well as closely works with NGOs, thus having gained a broad acceptance which also reflects on steadily rising case numbers.
Private, Public
Bringing proceedings in the name of the equality body [with or without an identifiable victim]
Field | Grounds | |
Standalone dedicated national equality body
Single headed equality body (led by director or ombudsman/commissioner)
The Austrian Disability Ombudsperson is appointed by the Minister of Social Affairs for a 4-year term.
To fulfill his duty, the Ombudsperson is supported by an office of 8 staff members.
This institution does not have regional officies.
National Ministry