Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
Coimisiún na hÉireann um Chearta an Duine agus Comhionannas
16-22 Green St. Dublin 7 D07CR20 Ireland
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission is Ireland’s national human rights institution and national equality body.
We are an independent public body that accounts to the Oireachtas, with a mandate established under the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 (IHREC Act 2014).
Our purpose is to protect and promote human rights and equality in Ireland and build a culture of respect for human rights, equality and intercultural understanding across Irish society.
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission was established on 1 November 2014, under the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014. The IHREC Act 2014 includes and further enhances the functions of the former Irish Human Rights Commission and the former Equality Authority, which merged to form the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission in 2014.
Private, Public
Amicus curiae brief or similar, Representing victims of discrimination before the courts, Requests for constitutional review of discriminatory regulations before the Constitutional Court, Intervention in support of a party
Field | Grounds | |
Marital status and the status of being a Member of the Traveller Community are applicable to all of the above fields.
In addition, ‘Housing assistance’ status can be invoked by people in receipt of rent supplement, housing assistance payments, or other social welfare payments for protection from discrimination in the provision or termination of accommodation and related services or amenities.
Multi-mandate equality body
Designated as independent mechanism under UN CRPD Article 33(2), Designated body on freedom of movement under Directive 2014/54/EU Article 4, National human rights institution, Equality Body
Single headed equality body (led by director or ombudsman/commissioner)
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission is Ireland’s work is determined independently by the fifteen members of the Commission who are appointed by the President of Ireland. One member of the Commission is the Chief Commissioner, who is the Chairperson of the Commission. The Director of the Commission manages and controls generally the administration of the Commission and performs such other functions (if any) as may be determined by the Commission.
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 sets out the membership of the Commission and process for appointment of its members. As per the Act, appointment's are made through an open competitive process carried out by the Public Appointments Service at the request of Ireland's Minister for Justice and Equality.
This institution does not have regional officies.
National Parliament