Federal Antidiscrimination Agency FADA
Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes (ADS)
Glinkastraße 24 10117 Berlin Germany
The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency takes on and independently carries out the following tasks, insofar as no Parliamentary Commissioner of the Bundestag or Federal Government Commissioner is competent in the matter: Publicity work; measures to prevent discrimination; academic studies into discrimination. The Independent Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination heads the Agency. The Commissioner has to be consulted by the Federal Government in all matters concerning her/his responsibilities. The Commissioner can make recommendations or proposals to the Federal Government.
Date of establishment: August 2006, mode of establishment: by legislation through the General Act on Equal Treatment. The agency was established within the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. It is independent in the execution of its duties and only subject to the law (General Act on Equal Treatment, Section 26, 27).
In 2022, the position of Independent Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination was created.” Now it only reads “Date of establishment: August 2006, mode of establishment: by legislation through the General Act on Equal Treatment. The agency was established within the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. It is independent in the execution of its duties and only subject to the law (General Act on Equal Treatment, Section 26, 27).
Field | Grounds | |
Standalone dedicated national equality body
Single headed equality body (led by director or ombudsman/commissioner)
The Agency is headed by the Independent Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination. This position was created by a change in the General Equal Treatment Act in 2022.
The Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth suggests a candidate to head the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency and act as Independent Federal Commisioner for Anti-Discrimination. The Federal Government confirms the nomination which is then put to a majority vote in the Bundestag. Once elected, the Commisioner is officially appointed by the Federal President. The Commissioner has a five-year mandate.
This institution does not have regional officies.
National Parliament