The Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová, presented the List of actions to advance LGBTI equality to the Council and the European Parliament […]
8 March is International Women’s Day and is generally marked by a more prominent focus on gender equality issues. In order to make information more accessible, […]
ECRI welcomes the positive developments in Sweden since the previous report in 2012. The government has launched a National Plan to combat racism, similar forms of […]
The report makes 17 recommendations to the Spanish authorities. Within two years ECRI will evaluate compliance with two of them that it considers to be priority […]
The new General Policy Recommendation of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) draws on existing good practices and focuses on the key elements for […]
Building upon previous research, such as the IGLYO 2013 survey on the impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment, Council of Europe 2016 […]
“We know that our attitudes towards other people affect how we behave towards them and that negative attitudes can lead to negative behaviours - that is why it is important that we track social attitudes here in Northern Ireland.”