June 14, 2021

Spain: Understanding discrimination on the ground of race or ethnic origin

Potential victims’ perception of discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin (Council Against Racial and Ethnic Discrimination) The study’s main goal is to gain insight into how […]
June 10, 2021

Webinar Series on Equality, Diversity and Non-Discrimination in Healthcare

A recent Eurobarometer survey showed that healthcare was by far the most important issue for the future of Europe according to Europeans. However, equality in the […]
May 28, 2021

Sweden: Strategic litigation – Systemic racism and access to healthcare services

The Swedish Equality Ombudsman has secured a major win in an important case concerning discrimination in healthcare services. The ruling followed a six day trial in […]
May 26, 2021
Logo of the Cyprus Office of the Commissioner for Administration and Human Rights

Cyprus: Persons with disabilities and their equal participation in elections

Ex Officio Statement Considering the forthcoming Parliamentary Elections on 30 May 2021, the Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman), in the framework […]
May 19, 2021

Equality Bodies & Freedom of Movement of EU Workers

The Equinet Freedom of Movement Cluster was created in 2018 to build the capacity of equality bodies to exercise their new mandate and assist them in realizing their full potential. Based on a needs assessment, recently carried out with […]
May 17, 2021

Stronger together: An Equinet Roundtable on Implementing the EC LGBTIQ Strategy

On November 2020, the European Commission adopted its first-ever LGBTIQ Strategy. This ambitious policy document is a major landmark for the protection of LGBTIQ people all over […]
May 10, 2021

Why we need to REVEAL – Views on Racism & Data Collection in Europe

Equality data can be collected by means of surveys, censuses, administrative processes (e.g., employment data), complaints data or research, among other sources. Within these sources, any piece of information or set of values, whether qualitative or quantitative, that is useful for describing and analysing the state of equality can be referred to as equality data. Moreover, personal information connected to certain characteristics such as race or ethnic origin are considered sensitive data, and therefore it is more severely protected requiring the data subject’s informed consent.
April 29, 2021

Equinet submission to EC Consultation ‘Demographic change in Europe – green paper on ageing’

Green Paper on Ageing On 27 January 2021, the European Commission released the Green Paper on Ageing, thus launching a public debate on demographic changes in Europe. The paper addresses the […]
April 29, 2021
young people of different backgrounds working together

Equality has no age limit: young people deserve better!

Ageism is based on negative perceptions of, attitudes and stereotypes towards people based on their age. While it affects the individual that is being discriminated against, and it also perpetuates the very stereotypes and attitudes it is based on. In this post, we’ll turn the spotlight on young people, examining the main challenges they face, while also outlining some suggestions on how policymakers, youth organisations and equality bodies can support change.