Belgian Institute for the Equality of Women and Men published its annual report for the year 2018 giving an overview of its work in multiple areas concerning gender equality.
The report gives an overview of the advocacy work, the cases handled and the research conducted by the Institute.
The Institute received 258 complaints, answered 42 questions in Parliament and is currently handling 31 cases in Court.
A statistical analysis of the
818 cases reported to the Institute is included in the report. Notably, the Institute saw a
67% increase of reported cases concerning discrimination against transgender persons between 2017 and 2018. Although
1/4 of reported cases concern sexism, 1/5 concerns pregnancy or maternity, revealing progress is still needed in this area.
"Gender stereotypes [...] are at the basis of the persistence of sexism and gender inequality in many areas of life."
Chris Verhaegen, President of the Board of the Institute.
Cases of discrimination in the employment sector are the most reported, which concurs with the prevalence of discrimination based on pregnancy, as the sector is still hostile to protecting pregnancy and maternity rights.
The report also gives example of cases in various areas including sexual harassment and sexist hate speech and includes specific sections on gender mainstreaming and gender-based violence.
The Institute defines and exposes key challenges in the fight for gender equality and provides a comprehensive analysis of gender issues in Belgium, demonstrating that gender equality needs to remain a political and social priority.