On 20th April, Equinet and the Equality and Human Rights Commission co-organised a roundtable event at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event was hosted by the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D). It addressed the issues of work-life balance, pregnancy and parenthood related discrimination at national and EU levels. It gathered Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), representatives of national equality bodies and other stakeholders.
Equinet has worked extensively on the situation of women in the labour market. It focused in particular on Work Life Balance, including by:
In parallel, the launch of the campaign #Worksforme by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC – UK) illustrates the great need for equality bodies to take action in this area. In particular, the findings of the research “Pregnancy and Maternity Related Discrimination and Disadvantage” suggests more than three quarters of pregnant women and new mothers, the equivalent of 390,000 women, experience negative and potentially discriminatory treatment at work each year.
This rich evidence-base from the work of Equinet and equality bodies could valuably inform the work of EU institutions and partners, following the withdrawal of the Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 92/85/EEC (so-called new Maternity Directive) and the publication of the European Commission’s Roadmap for the initiative “New start to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working families” and a correlated public consultation on work-life balance.
In this context, Equinet and the EHRC co-organised a roundtable event at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday 20th April.
The roundtable event aimed to:
Quinn Roache, Project Manager, Equality and Human Rights Commission (Great Britain) – Pregnancy and maternity discrimination in the workplace
Members of the European Parliament:
Representatives of national equality bodies:
The agenda of the event is available here: Final Agenda
The summary of the event is available here:
Summary EP Roundtable 2016
European Parliament Roundtable on ‘The Parenthood Penalty?’ – Brussels, April 2016 |