8 March is International Women’s Day and is generally marked by a more prominent focus on gender equality issues. In order to make information more accessible, Equinet has gathered the latest publications and material issued on gender equality at European and national level.
Equinet’s publications on gender equality
The working group Gender Equality is Equinet’s permanent platform for staff members of equality bodies working on gender equality. The working group reflects on and seeks to identify good practices to tackle current challenges in the field of gender equality both at national and European level. Contributing experiences from the ground through publications, oral and other written interventions, the working group aims to improve the effective promotion of gender equality and to combat gender discrimination. Recent publications include:
Equality Bodies and the Gender Goods and Services Directive (2014)
Equal Pay for Equal Work and Work of Equal Value: the Experience of Equality Bodies (2013)
Equinet’s work on gender equality in 2018
In 2018 the Working Group on Gender Equality will:
Discuss the proposed Work-Life Balance Directive and its implications for equality bodies.
Support the preparation of the seminar on dismissal protection for parents and carers, including pregnancy and motherhood related discrimination in the field of employment.
Discuss recent development in the field of trans* rights, which is characterized by a changing legal landscape. Working group members will map challenges and share good practices on how to address these in cooperation with external partners for the purposes of capacity building during one of the working group meetings in 2018. The bridging function of trans* rights, straddling both gender equality and LGBTI rights, will be addressed.
Support the discussions of the Policy Formation Working Group on hate speech by addressing sexist hate speech as a specific form of hate speech, mapping its characteristics and prevalence and considering intersecting forms of vulnerability to hate speech.
Ensure gender mainstreaming in the regular work and activities of Equinet.
Support dissemination, follow-up and use of previously published outputs of the Working Group, including the Handbook on Equal Pay and the upcoming report on Gender Equality in Education.
8 March: International Women’s Day- Campaign by the French Defender of Rights
Institutions and Bodies
This section provides links to material and statements on gender equality, particularly by European Institutions and bodies:
European Commission: Gender Equality focus on International Women’s Day. Includes amongst other links: 2018 Report on Equality between Women and Men, press statements, a summary of the Annual Fundamental Rights Colloquium on Women’s Rights in Turbulent Times.