This workshop took place online on 5 February 2025. It is aimed at Equinet members’ staff working on racial discrimination, EU and national institutions, other relevant stakeholders.
As National Equality Bodies, Equinet Members are on the front lines in addressing racism and fostering equal treatment within their respective countries. This workshop offers a crucial platform for these bodies to contribute their experiences, insights, and best practices to shape the upcoming EU Action Plan against Racism.
The relevance of this activity is in line with Equinet’s ongoing commitment to anti-racism efforts. For instance, Equinet has previously published reports like “Tackling Institutional Racism: Realising the Potential of Equality Bodies” (2022), which highlighted persistent challenges and the essential role of equality bodies in combating institutional racism. Additionally, Equinet’s participation in consultations and discussions about the development and implementation of the EU Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020-2025 has emphasized the importance of coordinated action and the integration of equality bodies’ work into EU policies.
By organizing this workshop, Equinet facilitates the sharing of knowledge and strategies that can strengthen the new EU Action Plan, ensuring that it is informed by ground-level realities and the expertise of equality bodies across Europe.
The target audience of this workshop is Equality Bodies staff working on racial discrimination, EU and national institutions, other relevant stakeholders.
For further information, contact Daris Lewis Recio (