This 2.5 day in-person workshop will take place in Krakow, Poland on 25-26-27 February 2025. It is aimed at Equinet members’ experts that will advocate or advise on the transposition of the Standards Directives at the national level.
Participants can access relevant resources here (password protected).
In 2024, Equinet hired Equal Rights Trust to produce, thanks to a grant provided by the German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, a thorough legal analysis of the provisions in the directives, to the benefit of equality body staff working on transposition and implementation and legal practitioners (including CSOs and public authority experts), as well as a shorter document in the form of a toolkit summarizing the main findings in an easily accessible format. Access these documents here.
Building on this work, this 2.5-day Workshop aims at presenting and discussing the outputs in depth and helping Equinet members use it to defend their interests.
The target audience of this workshop is Equality Body experts that will advocate or advise on the transposition of the Standards Directives at the national level.
Participants can access relevant resources here (password protected).
For further information and to register for participation, please contact Rebecca Steel-Jasinska (