Equality bodies assist victims of discrimination in a wide variety of ways. This calendar highlights some of the work that our members do to promote equal treatment in their respective countries
This calendar includes examples of cases from:
- Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Serbia
- Greek Ombudsman, Greece
- Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Germany
- Council for the Elimination of Ethnic and Racial Discrimination, Spain
- Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, UK-Northern Ireland
- Commission for Protection against Discrimination, Bulgaria
- Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson of the Republic of Lithuania
- Office of the Commissioner for Administration and Human Rights, Cyprus
- Equality and Human Rights Commission, UK-Great Britain
- Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud, Norway
- Office of the Ombudswoman, Croatia
- National Centre for Human Rights, Slovakia
- Ombudsman for Equality, Finland