On 12-13 September 2011, Equinet organised a two-day legal training focusing on the conflicts of the right to equal treatment and other fundamental rights.
The conflicts between the principle of equality and non-discrimination and other fundamental rights was at the heart of the Equinet legal training. Equality Bodies in EU Member States that also act as national human rights institutions are tasked with promoting equality, fighting discrimination and protecting human rights. These combined equality and human rights bodies can sometimes be confronted with a difficult challenge as they attempt to strike a balance between the equally important rights to equal treatment and other fundamental rights when handling cases and complaints.
Through this two-day legal training Equinet showed its commitment to facilitating the sharing of experience in dealing with these types of cases and complaints between member equality bodies, and ensuring that legal staff within equality bodies acquire further knowledge of the underlying legal principles related to this subject area. The legal training, hosted by the Austrian member organisation, the Austrian Ombud for Equal Treatment took place on 12-13 September 2011 in Vienna. The training was open to legal team experts and legal practitioners from equality bodies. The main learning objectives of the training were to:
Read the keynote speakers’ biographies here
Short case studies on freedom of religion and belief presented by representatives of national equality bodies (in order of appearance)
Short case studies on freedom of expression presented by representatives of national equality bodies (in order of appearance)
20th Anniversary of the Ombud for Equal Treatment
The Austrian Ombud for Equal Treatment celebrated its 20th anniversary on 12 September. Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek, Federal Minister for Women and Civil Service kicked off the celebration with a moving and powerful opening speech. The thought-provoking lecture performance ‘Lady Justice in the Labyrinth or How to outweigh Arguments’ by Eva Maria Gauss was the highlight of the evening.
Useful resources
Conventions and other relevant legal documents:
Legal publications and reports: