Equinet high-level meeting to discuss priorities and state of play in the European debate on equality and non-discrimination
On March 18th 2009, Equinet conveyed in Brussels a high-level meeting bringing together the heads of National Equality Bodies from across Europe, involved in the EQUINET Network. On this occasion, the top representatives of National Equality Bodies were invited to come together to discuss future EU policy and legislation to combat discrimination and promote further equality in EU, through a unique opportunity to exchange with top representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament.
The meeting facilitated exchange and networking at the highest level, with a view to contributing the experience of specialized equality bodies in the implementation of non-discrimination and equal treatment legislation and underlining the importance of their work and mandate at national level as well as of their cooperation at European level.
Downloadable files:
## NEW ##
– High-Level Meeting summary report (pdf)
– Photos of the meeting can also be downloaded in the members section, under Trainings and Meetings/Photo Gallery
– Programme of the high-level meeting.
– Ppt presentation of Equinet by Chila van der Bas, Chair of Equinet & Anne Gaspard, Executive Director of Equinet
– Ppt presentation of the study on Equality Bodies and Practices of Independence, by Mandana Zarrehparvar, Danish Institute for Human Rights