Encouraged by last year’s positive feedback and with the support of the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men, one of its Belgian members, Equinet organised a new edition of its high-level legal seminar. The event took place on 1 – 2 July 2010 in Brussels and focused on various topical legal issues, such as equality bodies’ litigation powers, recent ECJ judiciary with regards to age limits, transgender discrimination. The legal seminar consisted of a mix of plenary sessions and group discussions.
Presentations – DAY 1:
- The importance of strategic litigation for equality bodies – Peter Reading, Equality and Human Rights Commission – UK, Great Britain (PowerPoint, 447KB)
- The powers and practices of Equality Bodies – presentation of the results of the Equinet survey – Nanna Margrethe Krusaa, Danish Institute for Human Rights – Denmark (PowerPoint, 28KB)
- The EU’s upcoming conclusion of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Practical implications and governance issues for the EU, its Member States and its institutions – Inmaculada Placencia, Deputy Head of Unit, Integration of People with Disabilities, European Commission (PowerPoint, 29KB)
- Age limits in ECJ recent judiciary – Declan O’Dempsey, Barrister, Cloisters Chambers – UK, Great Britain (Word, 130KB)
- Use of gender factor in justifiying differences in treatment in access to goods and services – Kristine Dupate, University of Latvia – Latvia (PowerPoint, 136KB)
- Update / Discussion on Equinet Strategic Plan 2011 – 2014, Anne Gaspard, Executive Director, Equinet Secretariat (PowerPoint, 441KB)
Presentations – DAY 2: