Netherlands Institute for Human Rights
College voor de Rechten van de Mens
Kleinesingel 1-3 P.O. Box 16001 3500DA Utrecht Netherlands
The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights explains, monitors and protects human rights, promotes respect for human rights (including equal treatment) in practice, policy and legislation, and increases the awareness of human rights in the Netherlands. This applies to the European part of the Netherlands as well as to the islands of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (the Carribean Netherlands).
The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights was founded in 2012. The NIHR came
into being by an act of Parliament. All the powers of the former Equal Treatment Commission (CGB) were transferred to the Institute.
With the creation of the Institute, the Netherlands has fulfilled UN resolution 48/1342. This resolution contains assurances for the independence of and recommendations concerning the role, composition, status and functions of national human rights bodies, the so-called Paris Principles. Both the law and the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights have been drafted/created on the basis of these principles.
In 2014, the Institute was awarded A-status by the International Coordinating Committee for national human rights institutions (ICC). This constituted international recognition that the Paris Principles are being fulfilled.
Private, Public
Bringing proceedings in the name of the equality body [with or without an identifiable victim], Amicus curiae brief or similar, Intervention in support of a party
Field | Grounds | |
Nationality, civil status, fixed-term contracts versus permanent contracts, part-time/full time contracts, leave and flexible work (the last four only in the labour context)
Addressing violence against women, Addressing hate crimes, Addressing hate speech
Multi-mandate equality body
National human rights institution, NPM under National Preventive Mechanism under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, Designated as independent mechanism under UN CRPD Article 33(2), Equality Body
Collegiate headed equality body (led by a distinct board/commission)
The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights is an independent administrative body. The Institute consists of (at most) 12 members appointed by the Crown. The Institute is supported by an office, which at the start of the organisation was on a scale of about 50 full time employees. The staff is comprised of civil servants employed by the Institute.
The Institute consists of a board of (at most) 12 members, appointed by the Crown. Management staff is comprised of civil servants employed by the Institute.
This institution does not have regional officies.
National Ministry