Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities
Pravobranitelj za osobe s invaliditetom
Savska cesta 41/3 10000 Zagbreb Croatia
+385 99 4422 203
+385 (0)1 61 02 170
Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities is a bridge between persons with disabilities and institutions that can systematically address their issues. We are open to initiatives, focused on readdressing the wrong and changing mindsets to create a more inclusive society.
The first Ombudswoman for Persons with Disabilities, Ms. Anka Slonjsak, was appointed by the Croatian Parliament on 30 May 2008. On October 16 2016, Ms. Slonjsak was re-elected at second term of eight years.
The institution of the Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities commenced with work on 1 July 2008.
The mandate of the Institution is based on the Act on the Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities. Priority tasks of the Office are protecting, promoting and monitoring the rights of persons with disabilities in Croatia.
The Institution acts as an equality body combating discrimination on the ground of disability and as an independent body for monitoring implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
It also acts as an ombudsman’s institution dealing with complaints on administration by central and local governments. The institution also monitors compliance of acts and regulations with legally binding international documents in the field of protection of rights of persons with disabilities primarily the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and proposes amendments to acts and regulations pertaining to the rights of persons with disabilities.
In 2015 the Institution was mandated with checking placements in psychiatric hospitals where the consent has been given by a guardian pursuant to the article 26 of the Act on the protection of persons with mental disorders (OG, 76/14)
Private, Public
Bringing proceedings in the name of the equality body [with or without an identifiable victim], Intervention in support of a party
Field | Grounds | |
Addressing hate speech, Addressing violence against women
Multi-mandate equality body
Designated as independent mechanism under UN CRPD Article 33(2), Office of Ombudsman
Single headed equality body (led by director or ombudsman/commissioner)
The Office is led by an Ombudsman. The Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities has two deputies. If the Ombudsman does not have a degree in law, one of the deputies has to be a lawyer. The institution of the Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities was established by an act of the Parliament. It is an independent and stand alone institution dedicated to the rights of persons with disabilities and reporting to the Parliament. It comprises mandates of an equality body, national human rights institution and ombudsman with respect to persons with disabilities.
Based on the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities is appointed and relieved of duty by the Croatian Parliament. The Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities has two deputies who are appointed and relieved of their duty by the Croatian Parliament based on the recommendation of the ombudsman for persons with disabilities.
The Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities and his or her deputies are officials of the Republic of Croatia, are appointed for the mandate of eight years and can be reappointed. In appointing the Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities or one of his/her deputies the priority will be given to a person with disability provided he or she fulfills all the required conditions defined in the job advertisement.
National Parliament