April 7, 2020

Solidarity must prevail – Stigmatisation and discrimination of health workers has no place in our society

A new and scary discrimination trend seems to be arising in Europe - and worldwide - fuelled by fear of contracting COVID-19 against those that are in the frontline of action. The daily lives of nurses, doctors and health care workers is increasingly being affected by discriminatory attitudes and harassment.
April 3, 2020

Will actions finally speak louder than words in a Union of Equality?

Three weeks ago, the European Commission released a Gender Equality Strategy, presented by the first ever Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli.
April 1, 2020

ECRI’s Report on Germany

By Niklas Hofmann from the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (FADA) in Germany Things had been planned very differently, but that’s the way it goes in the age […]
March 30, 2020

No crisis can undermine the fundamental value of equality

I am writing this post as Chair of the Executive Board of Equinet, but also as Deputy Ombudswoman of Croatia, and as a woman and a mother, in these challenging times of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
November 5, 2019

Quo vadis EU equality legislation – Equinet addressing the EU Council of Ministers

Luxembourg, 24 October 2019. Equinet addresses the EU’s Council of Ministers responsible for employment and social policies for the first time, providing inputs to their discussions on EU equality legislation.
July 8, 2019

Why will European Equality Bodies be represented at the UN High Level Political Forum?

New York, 8 July 2019. It has been four years since the U.N. released the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an ambitious plan for global change divided in 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Every year, the progress made by governments to achieve the SDGs is closely monitored at the UN High Level Political Forum
February 27, 2020

Policy Brief on the future Gender Equality Strategy

On the first week of March, the European Commission will release its new Gender Equality Strategy. Equinet warmly welcomes this initiative, since it is extremely important […]
November 28, 2019

Tackling Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence: Equality Bodies’ Contribution

This Equinet Paper looks at the legal frameworks governing the issue of violence against women, and how equality bodies can contribute to and best engage with these frameworks. It gathers examples of good practice by equality bodies, focusing on: promotional activities, surveys, recommendations, trainings and cooperation. It also highlights cases from equality bodies dealing with gender-based harassment, violence and hate speech.
July 25, 2019

Equality Bodies countering Ethnic Profiling

Equinet's Factsheet and Compendium of Promising Practices highlight the necessity to end ethnic profiling by law enforcement in Europe and the essential role of equality bodies in combatting this ineffective practice and promoting fair policing.
July 18, 2019
Tamás Kádár speaking into a microphone

The legal standing of equality bodies

In this article for the European equality law review 2019/1, Equinet's Deputy Director Tamás Kádár analyses the legal standing of equality bodies with a particular focus on Belgium, Romania and Sweden. The article explores different forms of legal standing as well as the different ways in which equality bodies have used their standing to ensure effective enforcement of the EU non-discrimination directives
July 9, 2019

Declaration on the Role of Equality Bodies: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Equality and non-discrimination are deeply embedded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
July 5, 2019
Poster for HLPF, 2 schoolgirls walk by in front of it

Equality Bodies & SDGs: Equinet at the UN High Level Political Forum 2019

Thanks to the support of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Policy Officer Moana Genevey will be attending the HLPF throughout the week. She will be speaking at 2 events at the UN General Headquarters, and Equinet is a partner in two other events as well.
May 23, 2019

Equinet Highlights 2018

Our annual report for 2018 allows us to look back at our work during the past year and showcase the broad spectrum of support to national […]
May 14, 2019

Combatting Discrimination and Hate speech in Election Campaigns

Equinet Recommendation Ahead of European Parliament elections in 2019, as well as continuous elections happening at local, regional and national level around Europe, Equinet has developed […]
April 24, 2019
Human and Robot hand shake

Call for Proposals: Equality, Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Discrimination

Equinet invites experts to put forward their proposals for a study on the equality implications of artificial intelligence and the role of equality bodies in the […]